Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Just a Spark

Make my heart believe a want is not a need
And make my mind realize not to let the evil thoughts breed
Those ever present tormenters of your sound state of being
That keep your eyes open at night, and have your arms forever reaching

Alice fell far down the rabbit hole, they say
But she was just a dreamer, escaping her dismay
So if I wish to escape the trials of my youth
Tell me, can I find refuge in Wonderland and run from my truth

My nightmares are like claws, tearing at my corneas
Wishing revenge in the footsteps of the Greek Medea
But is this the answer to my forefront fears
Or will I simply find solace in the passing of the years

Autumn comes and goes, the shedding of the leaves reflecting my dreams
Each happy thought is increasingly bursting at the seams
But along with winter comes a spark of hope
My feet freeze in place, and I've stopped sliding down this slippery slope

My eyes open wide, my horizons extend
My sanity is not gone, and I'm praying for my heart to mend
So with the rise of spring, I begin to climb
Back up the Trail of Tears, trying to regain my prime

And with the open of summer, a new dawn breaks
I let go of resentment, I let go of my mistakes
I reach the mountaintop, breathe in the brisk air
Realizing my troubles are no longer too much to bear

A Mind Gone Mad

Hollowed out heart of mine, why so glum?
Will you put on a smile with a bottle of rum?
We'll feel on top of the world; rule the whole fucking kingdom
And from all our worries, we'll no longer have to run

The skies will be limitless, a brilliant shade of blue
No longer questioning what is a lie and what is true
We'll just sit atop our mountain, enjoy the breathtaking view
And tell all our lovely friends they can come too

What friends, you say? Why, the ones in our mind!
The ones that comfort us, when life comes to a terrible grind
Do you remember those moments when you felt in such a bind?
Do you remember those memories that you wish you could take back and rewind?

Well, there were you friends! Standing strong and wise.
For they were your thoughts, for they were your eyes
Those brown eyes that glanced over your failed tries
And the same brown eyes that were open to Lucifer's white lies

Fooled by a demon? Never, you say!
But the demons come ouf of the shadows, 'You have a debt to pay'
'I've repented,' you cry, 'That's simply child's play'
So down into their grasps you fall, a horrible shade of dark gray

Further you go, down and down, looking for the door
But before you reach the exit, look out! Here comes the floor!
The cold tile strikes your cheek, right to your core
And for a slight second, you decide you want no more

No more? Well, that's certainly not in store for you
For your nightmares are just beginning to brew!
You've got a ways to travel before a rescue you come to
So for now, your once pleasant mind will bid you Adieu.

Welcome to my reality

I decided to join blogger after my good friend, Erica, shared her blog on Tumblr. I loved the layout, I loved how visually appealing it was, and I especially loved the content. It made ME want to have a blog, so here I am. I fought back and forth as to what to blog about, but now I couldn't imagine blogging about anything else. This blog will be filled with my various works of writing. Whether it's poems, short stories, descriptions, or stories that have yet to be finished, this will be my showcase. I will paint the world that is occuring in my mind as we speak. I've always wanted to be a writer. I've been told over the years that i'm fairly good at it, but I guess that's for you to decide. So take a step into my world.